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approved Minutes 12/05/2013

A regularly scheduled meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, December 5, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 313, Third Floor, at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

Chairman Puleo opened the meeting at 7:06 pm.  

Roll Call
Those present were: Chuck Puleo, Chair, Tim Ready, Vice Chair, Dale Yale, Ben Anderson, Randy Clarke, George McCabe and Kirt Rieder.  Absent: Mark George and Helen Sides.

Also present: Dana Menon, Staff Planner, and Beth Gerard, Planning Board Recording Clerk.  

Approval of Minutes
November 21, 2013 Draft Meeting Minutes

Kirt Rieder noted a correction at the top of page six, second sentence; he was advocating to exclude contaminated sites.

No other comments or corrections were made by the Planning Board members.  

Motion and Vote: Kirt Rieder made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Tim Ready.  The vote was unanimous with seven (7) in favor (Mr. Puleo, Mr. Ready, Ms. Yale, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Clarke, Mr. Rieder and Mr. McCabe) and none (0) opposed. The decision is hereby incorporated and made a part of these minutes.

Project:        Continued public hearing on the Site Plan Review for the conversion of the existing building to six (6) residential units and associated parking and landscaping.
Location:       3 WEBSTER ST (Map 36, Lot 0466)

Ward 2 Councillor Michael Sosnowski submitted a letter in opposition which was read into the record.

Helen Sides also submitted a letter requesting the sidewalk/garage apron to be concrete not asphalt, which was read into the record.

Dan Ricciarelli, architect, Seger Achitects Inc, 10 Derby Square, Salem, reviewed the project with the Planning Board and displayed photos of the project.  One of the aerial photos showed the location of the project in relation to the neighbors.  He then reviewed the land and the concrete apron in the front of the building.  He described the plans for the front of the site and stated that the sidewalk and front drive aprons will be concrete.  Chairman Puleo pointed out the standard curb radii and curbing.  Mr. Ricciarelli continued describing the area.  Puleo asked about the brick in the front of the building, to which Mr. Ricciarelli explained that due to the settlement of the building the brick looks skewed, but there is nothing structurally wrong with the building.  Mr. Ricciarelli continued describing the floor plan for the units and he then showed elevations and the façade; he stated that they will replicate the historic garage doors as best they can.  Chairman Puleo asked if the requirements for the doors will fall under the tax credit requirements.  Mr. Ricciarelli explained that everything they are doing falls under federal review.  They are planning to bring back the hunter green to which Chairman Puleo asked if the colors chosen fall under federal review as well, and Mr. Ricciarelli responded in the affirmative.  He went on to describe restoration efforts, including re-pointing and the windows, he noted the existing wood sills are destroyed, so they are looking into costs and options for replacing.  

Chairman Puleo focused his question on page A-2 and noted that the first three windows are garage windows, and that the folks on Spring Street had expressed concerns about the windows on the rear of the building.  He asked them to talk about privacy for those rear abutters.  David Pabich, property owner, clarified which windows face the street and the abutters.  Chairman Puleo then asked if they have an alternative for privacy that would be approved for the historic preservation.  He then asked how they can address the privacy concern of the abutters with no space on the 3 Webster Street property; he then asked about outside shutters.  Mr. Ricciarelli said that they can look at roman shades as an option.  Mr. Rieder asked Chairman Puleo to clarify the motivation of this issue – whether it is to put the abutters at ease, or the potential residents of 3 Webster Street.  Chairman Puleo stated that he was concerned about the abutters, particularly the ones that spoke at the previous meeting.  Mr. Rieder then asked where the burden for that lies – is it 3 Webster Street, or is it the abutters?  He then described his home situation, noting the closeness of his nearest neighbor and the tall shrubs he installed on his own property to provide privacy.  He said that he does not want to put an added burden on a derelict property.  Mr. Pabich stated that most of houses in the neighborhood are very close together. Chairman Puleo asked what their ability is to put stuff on the outside of the building to address the neighbors’ concerns.  Mr. Ricciarelli stated that there was pretty much no ability to put things on the outside of the building (due to the historic preservation tax credit).  Ben Anderson noted that the property hasn’t been used for a long time, and now there is going to be a change that the neighbors aren’t used to.  He recommended using something to soften the edge of the building – planting or something.  Mr. Pabich responded that there is a lot of vegetation out there.  They can’t add much on their property because there’s not space on the lot.  He has spoken with a number of the neighbors and he is more than willing to work with them.  Mr. Ricciarelli described the buffer around building – there are driveways on two sides, and some greenery.  Mr. Ready asked if Mr. Pabich had the opportunity to meet with the neighbors individually, to which Mr. Pabich answered that he has not met with them individually, he has spoken with them casually while he’s been on the property.  Mr. Ready then asked if he has had further discussion with Councillor Sosnowski, to which Mr. Pabich responded that he has not.   appreciates his distaste for the decision that the Zoning Board made, but it is not what we are here to discuss.  Mr. Clarke added that he finds it hard to believe that these luxury apartments are going to be rented by someone who is not going to put a shade up.  Mr. Ready noted that the actions of individuals relating to privacy is not what the Board is here for.

Chairman Puleo asked about parking, to which Mr. Pabich responded that it was a feat to get four parking spaces in there, though technically there are three plus one compact space.

Mr. Ricciarelli stated that they spoke with a tax credit consultant regarding acoustic screening of the compressor units on the roof.  The consultant felt that they should focus on keeping as much of the roof as possible as a built-in acoustic screen.  Mr. Ricciarelli noted that the compressor units are completely screened.  They have a noise level of about seven to eight decibels, and with the configuration of the roof, the sound would be directed upward.  Chairman Puleo asked if the only way to see the compressor units is to be on top of the roof.  Mr. Ricciarelli stated that this design will be more pleasing to the neighbors.  Mr. Anderson asked about roof access and Mr. Ricciarelli described the access points.  Mr. Ricciarelli continued, stated he included decibel measures in the submissions to the Board.  Mr. Pabich described to the Board how one would get roof access.

Mr. Ricciarelli described the outside light fixtures; they will use a retro light design and the four lights will all be on motion sensors, one over each garage doors and one over each entrance.  He noted that there will be no lighting around the perimeter as it is not needed.  

He then showed a graphic of the neighborhood and described the proximity of the neighbors.    

Chairman Puleo asked Ms. Menon if they are waiting for comments.  Dana Menon, Staff Planner, stated that the Board of Health comments were standard.  Fire department comments were updated; no comments from the Disability Commission.  Ms. Menon read the comments from the various departments into the record.  Fire Department had changes to their original comments.  Chairman Puleo asked if they had sewer service, to which Mr. Ricciarelli responded that they did.  Mr. Anderson asked about fire service, to which Mr. Pabich responded that the existing sprinkler system has been removed with approval, and he described the new sprinkler system.  Mr. Anderson asked if they had a fire alarm control panel.  Mr. Pabich said that there was an existing dry sprinkler system that they had removed under the blessing of the fire prevention officer.  There’s a fire alarm system & panel that will remain in service until they remove & replace it.  Then it will be integrated with the new sprinkler system.  Mr. Anderson asked about a Siamese connection.  The Fire Department will get plans, keys, etc.

Mr. Rieder asked about plans for the demolition and replacement of the existing strobe light, Mr. Ricciarelli described them.

Issue opened to the public for comment
No one from the public was present.

Mr. Ready noted that they had read and acknowledged the letters from Ward 2 Councillor Sosnowski and Planning Board member Ms. Sides.  

Mr. Anderson asked if by-right they are allowed 4 parking spots.  Ms. Menon explained that three parking spaces is below the standard requirement, but the ZBA had approved them to only have three.

Motion and Vote:  Randy Clarke made a motion to close the public hearing, seconded by Kirt Rieder.  The vote was unanimous with seven (7) in favor (Mr. Puleo, Mr. Ready, Ms. Yale, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Clarke, Mr. Rieder and Mr. McCabe) and none (0) opposed. The decision is hereby incorporated and made a part of these minutes.

Chairman Puleo asked if Mr. Pabich has had contact with neighbors, to which Mr. Pabich responded that he had contact with almost all of the direct abutters in the last few weeks and they know how to get in touch with him.

Mr. Clarke noted that every single condition is standard, except on the curb cut.  Chairman Puleo reviewed the curb cuts and aprons.  Mr. Rieder clarified the conditions and Chairman Puleo recommended language.  Mr. Ricciarelli shared a document that states exactly what they will do with regards to the curb cut radii and concrete sidewalk/driveway apron.  Mr. Rieder asked about the scale of the plans to which Mr. Ricciarelli stated that it is 1/8 inch scale.  

Chairman Puleo asked about a revised date and the Board discussed the date to be used.  Ms. Menon suggested having Mr. Ricciarelli sign and date a record copy with the current date.  Chairman Puleo continued his review of the plans.  He recommended revising the plans to accurately reflect the correct number of lights (four).  Mr. Rieder also recommended that the language be changed on the strobe light note to read “new strobe per fire department approval”.  Continued reviewing plans.

Mr. Anderson asked where the drain leader drains out to and Mr. Ricciarelli responded that it comes out on grade.  Mr. Anderson asked if there are gutters there now to which Mr. Rieder directed Mr. Anderson to the photograph provided by the applicant.  Mr. Pabich and Mr. Ricciarelli also responded in the affirmative.  

Ms. Menon read through the draft decision.  Revised date of December 4th 2013.

Chairman Puleo said that since there is no site, and in the case of multiple contractors being there at one time, where will they park in order to not impede neighbor parking.  Mr. Pabich responded that one neighbor offered parking in his driveway.  National Grid has been doing work in the area as well, without creating any parking problems.  He can’t think of a satellite parking site.  Mr. Clarke noted that National Grid has blocked off the street for a month.  Mr. Pabich stated that they will be considerate of the area.  Ms. Menon asked if they want to include language about that in the draft decision.  Chairman Puleo said that only if there isn’t an on-street parking issue.  Mr. Pabich stated that there is no permit parking in the area.  Mr. Clarke noted that Salem Police will get called if there is an issue.  Mr. Ready concluded that if there isn’t an issue, let’s not add one.  Ms. Menon continued reviewing the draft decision.

The applicant’s letter in reference to granite curbing that has been submitted by the architects are to be considered part of the approved plan, to which the Applicant must conform.

Motion and Vote:  Randy Clarke made a motion to approve the draft decision, seconded by George McCabe.  The vote was unanimous with seven (7) in favor (Mr. Puleo, Mr. Ready, Ms. Yale, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Clarke, Mr. Rieder and Mr. McCabe) and none (0) opposed. The decision is hereby incorporated and made a part of these minutes.

Old/New Business

Dana Menon stated that the Building Department will follow-up on the CVS parking lot lights.  Chairman Puleo reminded the board that the parking lot bollard lights are to be lit along with the rest of the parking lot as part of the site plan approval.  Mr. Clarke recommended that they get a specific date that CVS will have the lights back on by.  Chairman Puleo theorized that shutting the lights off is possibly a money-saving issue.

Chairman Puleo noted that Trader’s Way was not striped as it was supposed to be done, but it was spray painted.  He noted that the Engineering Department said that the striping is farmed out, but he wants to know why it has not been restriped since it was spray painted in the spring (2013).  Discussed the poor temporary spray painting – it’s a double-yellow line with no breaks for people to be turning.  Ms. Yale said that the Mayor spoke at a neighborhood meeting in June and said striping was to happen imminently.

Review and approval of 2014 Planning Board meeting schedule

Ms. Menon stated that she changed the meeting schedule for 3rd and 5th Thursdays in July, and the January schedule will remain unchanged.

Motion and Vote:  Ben Anderson made a motion to approve the 2014 Planning Board meeting schedule, seconded by Dale Yale.  The vote was unanimous with seven (7) in favor (Mr. Puleo, Mr. Ready, Ms. Yale, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Clarke, Mr. Rieder and Mr. McCabe) and none (0) opposed. The decision is hereby incorporated and made a part of these minutes.

Motion and Vote:  George McCabe made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Tim Ready.  The vote was unanimous with seven (7) in favor (Mr. Puleo, Mr. Ready, Ms. Yale, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Clarke, Mr. Rieder and Mr. McCabe) and none (0) opposed. The decision is hereby incorporated and made a part of these minutes.

Chairman Puleo adjourned the meeting at 8:05 pm.

For actions where the decisions have not been fully written into these minutes, copies of the decisions have been posted separately by address or project at:

Respectfully submitted,
Beth Gerard, Recording Clerk

Approved by the Planning Board on 2/20/2014